Common conditions and treatments

We treat a wide range of foot problems including:

  • Sports injuries
  • Foot and ankle pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Children’s foot problems
  • Verruca
  • Arthritic feet
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Bunions
  • Lesser toe deformities
Sport injury treatment - Podiatrist in Hove and Brighton - Hove Foot Clinic

Sports injuries

Lucy specialises in treating sports and running foot and ankle injuries. She provides comprehensive injury management including strength and conditioning, training programme education, gait re-training and orthotics if indicated to modify the forces acting on the joints and muscles of your feet and reduce pain. Lucy uses the latest dynamic foot scan technology and specialises in 100% bespoke custom made and ultra lightweight 3d printed orthotics.

Lucy is a runner herself. She ran the Brighton Marathon in 2014 and now volunteers as part of the marathon medical team giving her insight into the challenges faced by long distance runners. She understands the common pitfalls and can help to prevent any potential foot related problems developing both in training and on race day.


Foot and ankle pain

There are many different causes of pain in the foot and ankle. A thorough assessment will be undertaken to establish the diagnosis and devise an effective management plan.  Many foot and ankle problems are stress injuries, caused by inappropriate footwear and/or poor gait when running or walking. Your foot and lower limb function will be assessed and your range-of-motion and muscle strength tested.  If indicated, your walking or running gait will also be evaluated using the latest dynamic foot scan technology.

Lucy specialises in 100% bespoke 3d printed custom orthotics which she combines with footwear advice, activity modification and strength and conditioning to treat these injuries and reduce the need for surgical intervention.  If a systemic cause is suspected, a referral to the relevant specialist will be initiated.

Heel pain - Podiatrist in Hove and Brighton - Hove Foot Clinic
Verruca treatment - Podiatrist in Hove and Brighton - Hove Foot Clinic


Verrucae are plantar warts that occur on the soles of the feet or around the toe area. They are caused by a viral infection, which affects the outer layer of skin (epidermis). The virus can enter the skin if there is any break in the skin or if the skin is very moist, which explains why it is common to pick them up at swimming pools. In most cases the verruca is painless and, given time, will resolve without treatment. Painful or spreading verruca can however cause distress.

Lucy specialises in treating persistent verrucas that have not responded to cryotherapy or simple over the counter treatments.  Swift microwave therapy is a highly effective treatment using microwaves to destroy the verruca tissue and does not require any local anaesthetic or significant dressings.


Heel pain

Heel pain is usually felt under the heel or just behind it and can range from mild to disabling depending on the cause.  Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis, which is a thick band of fascia or connective tissue under the sole of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes. The plantar fascia works with the muscles of your foot and around your ankle to support the arch of your foot and acts as a shock absorber when you walk.

However, there are many other causes of heel pain including lower back problems or inflammatory joint conditions. A thorough examination will be performed to establish the cause.

pediatric foot treatment - Podiatrist in Hove and Brighton - Hove Foot Clinic

Children's feet

Lucy frequently advises parents who are concerned about the development of their children’s feet. “Flat” feet, pain or unusual walking and running patterns are common reasons for consultation.  Often only reassurance and postural exercise is required but sometimes specialised orthotics or other forms of treatment are indicated.



Balance problems increase with age. Numerous issues can affect your ability to walk steadily, including, but not limited to, neurological conditions, arthritis or other joint problems, weak muscles or tendons and nerve damage (neuropathy).  Everyone may trip or fall from time to time but, if you’re older, a trip or fall could be very serious.

Your balance issues will be evaluated and signs of any underlying diseases considered. If we suspect that an underlying condition may be causing your balance problems, a referral to another specialist would be instigated. Your footwear will also be evaluated and a programme of strengthening and stretching exercises may be recommended that you can perform at home. Exercise programmes have been shown to significantly reduce the rate of falls in older people.

Balance Problems - Podiatrist in Hove and Brighton - Hove Foot Clinic
Bunion treatment - Podiatrist in Hove and Brighton - Hove Foot Clinic


“Bunions”, also known as hallux abducto valgus, are a common condition in which the big toe is angled excessively towards the second toe, leading to a bony lump on the outside of the big toe joint. This can also form a large sac of fluid, known as a bursa, which can then become inflamed and sore. Orthotics can help to relieve symptoms.  We can also advise on whether a referral to an orthopaedic or podiatric surgeon for a surgical correction might be indicated.


Morton’s neuroma

A neuroma is a thickening or enlargement of nerve tissue, which is often caused by irritation or compression of a nerve. This is the most common type of neuroma in the foot and usually occurs at the base of the third and fourth toes. A sharp or dull pain is usually felt between the third and fourth toes, which can be aggravated by wearing tight shoes and by walking. You may also feel numbness, tingling, or a burning sensation around the area. Treatment aims to reduce and relieve pressure around the nerve. It might include footwear modification or orthotics (insoles) to modify the forces acting on the joints and muscles of your feet and increase the space between your toes, thereby reducing pain.

Morton’s neuroma treatment - Podiatrist in Hove and Brighton - Hove Foot Clinic